On Thursday September 22nd. The Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission (TVSDC) received the visit of Mr Carsten Schmitz-Hoffmann, Director General of International Services, Ms Sara Shbeir, Regional Manager for Middle East and North Africa, and Lea Schmelich, project manager for Jordan. Mr Tarek al Rashdan, on behalf of Dr Raghda al Faouri, CEO of the TVSDC, welcomed the delegation, provided an overview of the TVSDC’s vision and mission and pillars of the TVSDC Action Plan relating to eLearing and Blended training (EB) in Jordan, its regulatory framework and technology, as part of the mandate. Moreover, thanked the EU as a key donor for the TVSDC and he acknowledged the excellent work done by the GIZ BTEL project (Support to the implementation of the TVSDC Action Plan with focus on Blended Training, eLearning and Teaching Services).

Mr Luca Azzoni, BTEL Team Leader, presented the technology-enhanced environment realized by the project that has involved so far 49 vocational training institutions,    more than 900 students, trainees, teachers, supervisors and principals of training institutions engaged in developing EB, since the opening of the eLab in May 2022

The technical assistance team guided the delegation on a tour of the eLab, its technology and the process of production of eContents and their delivery through the TVSDC’s TADREEBAK eLearning platform. Thanks to BTEL, the TVSDC can now support the TVET public and private providers to develop EB in their training programmes.

Mr Hoffmann appreciated the digital advancement of the eLab and emphasized that it is a benchmark for future actions and defined BTEL as an impressive effort in the direction of innovative technology and methodology at the service of TVET and skills development.

The BTEL project supports the TVSDC as the agency responsible for improving coordination, synergy and policy coherence (governance) among national public and private TVET institutions and international partners, to enhance the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and impact of resources invested to ensure that the eLearning and teaching experience accumulated during the pandemic becomes a structural part of TVET offer in Jordan.